From December 2014, all food producers need to label their products with details of certain allergens. The Food Standards Agency has identified 14 primary allergens to be aware of, and gives details of them in this infographic.


Keeping an eye on ingredients

We want to make it easy for you to check that our meals are suitable for your children – so we give details of the ingredients, dish by dish, within the online meals ordering system. Simply click on any meal choice to bring up the list of ingredients contained.

As well as this, you can now see every ingredient we’re using in the current menu, and any allergy advice about it in this spreadsheet:


Discussing your child’s allergies

While it is still a parent’s responsibility to choose appropriate school meals for their children’s diets, we’re happy to help you with any concerns or questions you may have.

– Firstly you should complete and return this form to your child’s school:

2023 LFL Allergy Special Dietary Requirement Form

– You can also contact Barry Dovell on 01308 428921 or to discuss your child’s dietary requirements.